“Pick Me” a CLS approved company

The CLS (Certified Locksmiths and Security) is fast becoming an industry recognised company for locksmiths with the aim to only list reputable, peer reviewed, established professional locksmiths. This is why I felt that Pick Me Locksmith should become a “Certified Company”.
There is currently no legal requirement for locksmiths to be licenced like some other trades. The network of CLS locksmiths work hard to expose those operating below appropriate standards, and quite often it’s a CLS certified locksmith who will be called upon to make good after a less qualified person has made an attempt at a repair or entry. So if you want your locksmith to be Experienced, Verified and Endorsed then the CLS is the organisation you need to recommend one.
How did Pick Me Locksmith Ltd become a Certified Company?
The first stage is the vetting. Gaining entry to people’s homes or businesses is a huge responsibility and this is why all CLS locksmiths are not only required to be vetted, but have to keep all vetting up to date. Being a member of the CLS is great for a locksmith as you become connected with other locksmiths with a vast amount of experience and understanding of the locksmith trade. This knowledge and understanding has resulted in regulation within the organisation designed to protect locksmiths and their customers.
The second stage is to be recommended by two trusted individuals in the industry. They need to confirm that the locksmith works to high standards of integrity and quality. This peer to peer recommendation is unique in that most industries see others in their field as competitors and we believe that to recommend others shows a high level of respect. Reputation is vital in the field of security so people in it are careful who they advocate for.
Finally Pick Me Locksmith was scrutinised as a business. Insurances, policies, procedures and paperwork were all checked to make sure they are suitable for use by a CLS approved company. For openness, Mark is a director of Eight Ball Engineering, the brand owner of the CLS. Mark holds himself up to the highest standards and is so passionate about customers getting the best locksmith service, that he set up the CLS.
Becoming a Certified Company demonstrates our commitment to high standards of workmanship and professional conduct. We recommend the CLS to those searching for an Experienced, Verified and Endorsed locksmith and also to any locksmiths looking to demonstrate to their customers that they are honest, reliable and capable.